
Angry Birds

2013年7月13日 — Like the wave of a white silk fan, an arctic tern hops out of the shin-high grass, and hovers above the shiny green tufts, upset by our presence ...

National Geographic Angry Birds

As one of the most trusted authorities on animal behavior, National Geographic is the perfect source for the real truth behind real-life angry birds. 作者簡介.

National Geographic Angry Birds

This hilariously eye-popping book showcases real-world angry birds and 50 fantastic stories peppered with tips to avoid them, as well as fascinating facts about ...

National Geographic Angry Birds

書名:National Geographic Angry Birds: 50 True Stories of the Fed Up, Feathered, and Furious,語言:英文,ISBN:9781426209963,頁數:159,作者:White, ...

National Geographic Angry BirdsMel White【禮筑外文書店】

National Geographic Books. 國際標準書號. 9781426209963. 出版年份. 2012. 出貨地. 臺北市中山區. 書名:National Geographic Angry Birds 定價:488元ISBN13 ...


This hilariously eye-popping book showcases real-world angry birds and 50 fantastic stories peppered with tips to avoid them, as well as fascinating facts ...


2013年7月13日—Likethewaveofawhitesilkfan,anarcticternhopsoutoftheshin-highgrass,andhoversabovetheshinygreentufts,upsetbyourpresence ...,Asoneofthemosttrustedauthoritiesonanimalbehavior,NationalGeographicistheperfectsourcefortherealtruthbehindreal-lifeangrybirds.作者簡介.,Thishilariouslyeye-poppingbookshowcasesreal-worldangrybirdsand50fantasticstoriespepperedwithtipstoavoidthem,aswellasfascinat...